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Santa Maria-seasoned Roasted Chicken

Santa Maria-seasoned Roasted Chicken


  • One 2- to 3-pound chicken, organic preferred
  • Santa Maria-style seasoning


  1. Preheat the oven to 450°F. Rinse the chicken, then dry it very well with paper towels, inside and out
  2. Season the cavity well with Santa Maria-style seasoning, then truss the bird. Trussing is not difficult, and if you roast chicken often, it’s a good technique to feel comfortable with. When you truss a bird, the wings and legs stay close to the body; the ends of the drumsticks cover the top of the breast and keep it from drying out. Trussing helps the chicken to cook evenly, and it also makes for a more beautiful roasted bird.
  3.  Season the chicken—sprinkle generously Santa Maria-style seasoning over the bird so that it has a nice uniform coating that will result in a crisp, flavorful skin (about 1 tablespoon).
  4.  Place the chicken in a sauté pan or roasting pan and, when the oven is up to temperature, put the chicken in the oven. Leave it alone and roast it until it’s done, 50 to 60 minutes. Remove it from the oven and add the compound butter, if using, to the pan and allow to melt. Baste the chicken with the butter & juices and let it rest for 15 minutes on a cutting board.
  5.  Cut up, serve, and enjoy


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